Firefighting and Emergency Medical Services
Grades: 11-12
Length: 1 or 2 years
Credit: .5 Technical English, 1.0 Fitness, .5 Science, 1.0 Occupational Elective
Prerequisite: None
Location: Tri-Tech Skills Center
Description: Do you get an adrenaline rush when you see the red lights of a fire truck? Do you want a career that helps others in your community? If you are hardworking team player, a career in the Fire Service might be just right for you. Students will focus on Fire Service orientation including the teamwork and leadership skills required to be successful in this field of work. This application-based learning class will also focus on structural firefighting skills and knowledge needed to help prepare for the fire academy and earning IFSAC FF 1 certification. In the Emergency Medical Services section, students will participate in the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) National Certification program. This will help prepare them as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) to work on an ambulance crew. The final focus will be on wildland firefighting. This certification will prepare them to work as a wildland firefighter. Select individuals can apply for 2nd year. Students must provide transportation to off-site locations. In this program you will:
- Learn about structural and wildland firefighting and the emergency medical system.
- Use state of the art equipment and facilities including an onsite training tower and fire engine
- Work alongside members of our local agencies.
- Develop the teamwork, leadership, mental and physical skills necessary to be successful in the fire service.
Career opportunities:
- Firefighter
- Paramedic
- Smoke Jumper
- Emergency Medical Technician
- 911 Operator
Certification opportunities:
- Wild land Firefighting certifications
- Basic Life Support and First Aid certification
College credits available: Up to 7 credits
Year-long course must be completed to be eligible for the Technical English, Fitness or Science credit.
Instructional Staff
Nathan Allington
Firefighting & EMS Instructor
(509) 222-5552