Welding Technology
Grades: 11-12
Length: 1 or 2 years
Credit: .5 Technical English, .5 Math, .5 Science, 1.5 Occupational Elective
Prerequisite: None
Location: Tri-Tech Skills Center
Description: If you are independent, creative and have good eye-hand coordination this career may be for you. In this application-based program, students learn the basic skills of oxy-acetylene welding and cutting, shielded metal arc welding, gas metal and flux cored arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, and many other areas. This program educates students in blueprint reading, shop math, layout and fit-up, and fabrication of a wide variety of projects. Welders are in high demand across a huge variety of industries. Apprentices are needed in sheet metal, ironworking pipefitting, and boiler making. The program is also a good introduction to students interested in mechanical engineering. In this program you will:
- Control fire and electricity to design, construct and repair a wide range of metal products
- Develop the skills, confidence, work ethic and stamina required for a career in metal fabrication including blue-print reading, layout and fit-up as well as the math to make it all work
- Learn to troubleshoot and creatively solve industry-based challenges.
Career opportunities:
- Welder
- Fabricator
- Pipefitter
- Machinist
- Specialty Auto Builder
Certification opportunities:
- American Welding Society S.E.N.S.E. recognized
- OSHA 10/30
- Forklift Operator
College credits available: 16 credits
Year-long course must be completed to be eligible for the Technical English, Math, or Science credit.